Study area at Central Library

Laptop Borrowing Policy


  1. Patrons who use circulating Newport Beach Public Library (NBPL) laptops are subject to the Internet Use Policy (NBPL 5).

  2. Laptops can be checked out to current NBPL cardholders whose accounts meet use requirements. These devices are for use within the Library building.

  3. The loan period for laptops is one hour. Laptops can be renewed for 20-minute increments through the PC management software as long as there is no waiting list.

  4. Laptops may be checked out at the reference desk at the Central Library, from the circulation desk at Balboa Branch, and from the reference desks at Mariners and Corona del Mar Branches.

  5. Patrons must present a valid NBPL card and be current in the Library's circulation system. All patrons will be required to provide a valid photo identification that will be held at the desk where the patron checked out the laptop. Student IDs will be accepted as valid identification as long as they have a photograph and are current.

  6. Patrons are limited to one checkout of a laptop per Library cardholder.

  7. Laptops will be checked out on a first come, first served basis. Laptops returned late will be assessed a late fee as set forth in the Library’s Circulation Policy (NBPL 12).

  8. Laptops are due at the Reference Desks at Central, Mariners, and Corona del Mar or the Circulation Desk at Balboa 30 minutes before closing.

  9. When laptops are checked in, they must be returned with all peripherals.

  10. There is a replacement charge for damage or loss of the laptop and/or its peripherals of up to $1,200, as set forth in the Circulation Policy (NBPL 12).

  11. This policy is subject to review and change as authorized by the Board of Library Trustees.


Adopted by the Board of Library Trustees on October 7, 2013.

Amended by the Board of Library Trustees on January 22, 2019.

Amended by the Board of Library Trustees on December 20, 2021.

Amended by the Board of Library Trustees on December 11, 2023.

This Policy will be periodically reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees on the first to occur of (i) as circumstances may require or (ii) every two years from the date of adoption, last amendment, or last review. Adopted, last amended, or last reviewed on December 11, 2023.