Study Carrels at Central Library

Wireless Internet


Rules for Acceptable Use of Wireless Internet Connections

Regardless of whether Wi-Fi source originates from the Library premises or outside the Library, patrons are subject to the library's Internet Use Policy.

  1. Wireless users who do not follow the Internet Use Policy may be asked to stop using the wireless connection inside the Library, be excluded from all City libraries and/or be prosecuted.
  2. The Library's wireless connection is unencrypted. Use of the wireless connection is at the user's own risk. By using this connection, users acknowledge that security errors and hacking are an inherent risk associated with any wireless service. For that reason, users expressly agree that they knowingly assume such risk, and further agree to hold the Library harmless from any claim or loss arising out of, or related to, any such instance of hacking or other unauthorized use or access into the user's computer.
  3. The Library accepts no responsibility for any software downloaded and/or installed, email opened, or sites accessed while patrons are on the wireless internet connection. Any damage done to the user's equipment or self from viruses, identity theft, spyware, plug-ins, or other internet-borne programs is the sole responsibility of the user; and the user indemnifies and holds harmless the Library from any such damage.
  4. The Library accepts no responsibility regarding the ability of user-owned equipment to connect to the wireless network. Library staff will not change settings on user’s equipment.
  5. Unauthorized downloading of copyrighted material(s) is strictly forbidden and will result in suspension or revocation of Library privileges and may result in formal notification to the appropriate local law enforcement office.

Notice: Warning of Copyright Restrictions

As a Library user, your ability to post or link to copyrighted material is governed by United States copyright law. The Library reserves the right to delete or disable any post or link that, in the judgment of Library staff, violates copyright law. In accordance with 17 U. S. Code Section 512 (i)(1)(A), the Library may terminate a patron’s access to the system or network for disrespect of the intellectual property rights of others, or for repeat infringements of copyright. The Library has adopted this policy and will make all reasonable effort to enforce it in appropriate circumstances.


Adopted by the Board of Library Trustees on February 21, 2017

Amended by the Board of Library Trustees on January 22, 2019.

Amended by the Board of Library Trustees on January 19, 2021.

Amended by the Board of Library Trustees on January 17, 2023.

This Policy will be periodically reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees on the first to occur of (i) as circumstances may require or (ii) every two years from the date of adoption, last amendment, or last review. Adopted, last amended, or last reviewed on January 17, 2023.